New York City has one of the best public transportation in the entire world. There are meteors, taxi and then ferries. One should not get surprised to learn about the ferries running on the Hudson rivers, and the east is connected with the NYC. So, when it is related to this broadly, it gives a chance to explore the nearby famous places. So if you are coming to new your or want to take a ferry trip from here, then read it to the end. If you are looking for Low fare flight to new york, then Google Flights is the best option you have. There you will see the cheapest flight on the internet. Now let's head to our places.

The Governor's Island
Escaping the hustle and bustle of the city is a good thing once in a while. To do it, the governor's island is the perfect mini escape place you have to try. Closure to the Brooklyn and Manhattan, it is an ideal retreat with warm weather. You can access it only by ferry. Here you have seen many attractions, Special events, festivals, and food. You can either roam it on foot or by bike. You can rent bikes.
The cost of a ferry trip is $2. The kids under age 13 can ride the ferry for free of charge. It runs daily, so you can decide any day you want to visit here. While you are on the boat, enjoying the view is something you will not forget. There is numerous pick up in Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan. In October there are events like the Billion Oyster Project, American Indian Community house will be held.
If you are looking for a hotel in NYC, then Search them on Google flight search. It is one of the best websites to look for cheap hotels.
The recent addition to the ferry service, Astoria will give you a feeling of a European place. There are some great public pools here to explore. The best thing to do it walk around, to get the feel of a European flavored. The price for a ferry ride is $2.75. You can hop on or hop off at two local places. Either on wall street in downtown or At East 34th Street in Midtown.
When you here, you will see the spectacular view of Manhattan skyline from Astoria Park. Remember the pool we told you above; it is located here. If you are a fan of movies, you would definitely want to visit Museums of the Moving Image.
When you are hungry, Don't forget to visit the greek community for their excellent choice of food. It is the best Greek food you will find in NYC.
Staten Island
Among all these, we can not forget the old fashioned Staten island. There are many things to see here. You can catch the ferry here from The Whitehall ferry terminal 4 South street. On your way to the island, don't forget to catch a glimpse of the statue of lIberty.